Becoming a Thirst Quencher allows you to join a dedicated group of supporters who understand the importance of making a lasting commitment to provide safe water and sanitation for all. Monthly gifts enable us to invest in specific areas of our work and expand our programs because we know we have the ongoing support of the Thirst Quencher community.
YES, I want to become a Thirst Quencher and help end the global water crisis!
JOIN TODAYYou provide safe water and more in 57 countries and counting, and mobilize more than 400 staff members working in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
With you as a partner, we can improve our technologies and systems through innovative research and development.
You assist in designing customized solutions for communities around the world that lack access to safe water and sanitation.
With your reliable monthly support, we have the foundational support to respond to disasters quickly and efficiently.
Your monthly gifts reduce overhead expenses, enabling donations to go farther.
You become a significant voice in the fight against the global water crisis—your advocacy educates others on the urgent and enormous need for safe water and on the solutions we’ve designed to address it.
You can be certain that Water Mission will
put your valued contribution to work every
month to benefit the people we serve.
When you become a Thirst Quencher, you are partnering with a top-rated organization—Charity Navigator has awarded Water Mission its top rating 15 years in a row, a distinction shared by only one percent of charities it has rated.
As a Thirst Quencher, you can securely access your profile, change your monthly gift amount, or update your preferred payment method at any time.