Hayani, a 30-year-old mother of three young children, lives in the rural community of Terjun, Indonesia. For years, she woke up early to walk nearly three miles round trip every day to collect buckets of water for her household. In an effort to provide this basic necessity to her family, she was unknowingly giving them contaminated water that made them sick.
In partnership with generous supporters, Water Mission installed a chlorinator and distribution site, providing the approximately 3,300 residents of Terjun access to safe, purified water within close proximity to their homes. After learning proper water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) practices, the community is beginning to see drastic improvements in their lives. For the first time ever, children aren’t riddled with sicknesses and are able to learn in school, parents have more time to generate income, and families are simply enjoying more time together.
Today, Hayani doesn’t fear giving her children water to drink or bathe in. She understands that the Water Mission treatment system provides clean, safe water. And, it’s plentiful and affordable for her family. Instead of spending hours walking to collect water and treating sick children, she now has time to play with her kids and joyfully watch them grow in health.
Since 2005, our staff in Indonesia has installed 152 safe water projects and served over 307,000 people. With three regional offices spread out across the Southeast Asian country, our dedicated staff is committed to serving communities like Terjun in the most rural areas of Indonesia.
Together, let’s work to give more families the gift of new life through clean, safe water.
Trimakasih water mission!