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A New Life | Refuge in Uganda

When war came to Dada Angelo’s community in South Sudan, he and his family were forced to flee. After being separated from his wife and children in the chaos of leaving home, Dada Angelo urgently searched for them upon arriving at Bidi Bidi Refugee Settlement in Uganda. Two months later, while driving through the settlement, he came to a sudden stop. There before him was his wife.

“When I was separated from her, I could not rest. I was supposed to be taking care of her. When I finally saw her, I rushed to her and felt so good.”

– Dada Angelo

Dada Angelo and his wife, reunited

Reunited with his family, Dada Angelo built a house on the plot of land they were given. He also joined the leadership council for the refugee settlement and started working at the trauma counseling center, providing support for others.

Dada Angelo

Dada Angelo's wife mending clothes

One factor that helped Dada Angelo’s family build a new life was the provision of safe water. Prior to Water Mission providing access to safe water in Bidi Bidi, there was not enough water available to support the influx of refugees and the local indigenous population. As a result, fights broke out amongst the refugees as well as between refugees and the people already living in the area. Now that the refugees have Water Mission tap stands close to home, they no longer spend hours waiting in line to collect water or worry about fights breaking out.

Dada Angelo and his sons at the Water Mission tap

Drawing water from a Water Mission tap!

“Water Mission installed pipes and tap stands, which changed everything. Now the water is plentiful and there is no arguing over it.”

– Dada Angelo

Finding safety in Uganda, Dada Angelo is thankful to God for his new life. Using his faith, as well as his own story of trial and redemption, he is able to encourage those around him.

Dada Angelo collecting water with his youngest son

Dada Angelo's youngest son

Dada Angelo's middle son

“The best part of life for me here is that I am a born-again Christian, and I am free,” he shared. Dada Angelo found the strength he needed to build a new life through his relationship with Jesus.

Dada Angelo in front of his shop

Dada Angelo's family

Thank you for helping our neighbors around the world experience new life through safe water and the Living Water message of Jesus Christ!


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